Alain Middleton
As the President of the Australian Society of Forensic Odontology Inc., I would like to invite you to our second Symposium, to take place in November this year, in Darwin, Australia. Darwin is Australia’s northern most capital city. Its history extends well back to times prior to European settlement, and has also been influenced by our northern Asian neighbors. The scenery in the area is spectacular and unique with several iconic national parks close by.
The three days of the Symposium promise to be exciting not only because of the venue but also the content. The theme ‘Coming of Age’ will encompass 2 strands. The first is the review of past and present practices, in the estimation of ages in a forensic context, as well as current research and future direction, and challenges in this increasingly important area. This not only in relation to deceased persons but also increasingly in relation to immigration as well as legal activity in criminal and civil cases. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. David Senn from the USA whose presentations and workshops will focus not only include this important topic but also the second strand of our theme.
The second strand is the growing respect for, and importance of the activities of forensic odontology in relation to not only individual deceased but also mass disasters be they natural, man made (criminal, terrorism, or war), or accidents. Presentations by David as well as other respected speakers will review disaster victim identification structures and activity from around the world. You will see from the program that the line up of speakers is exciting and the topics covered interesting and very different to your usual dental meeting. All this taking place in a fascinating part of Australia. Make the effort to not only enjoy a professional update but also a different and exciting part of Australia.
I look forward to welcoming you all to what promises to be a fantastic three days.
Alain Middleton
President Australian Society of Forensic Odontology
Click on the link to visit the website :http://www.asfos.com.au/
Register for the Symposium through the website. We look forward to your participation in our meeting, and seeing you in Darwin!
Join AUSFO now to qualify for member’s symposium registration fee rate.